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Behavior during a bear or wolf sighting

Behavior during a bear or wolf sighting

Safe Travel in the Mountains

For several years now, wolves and occasionally bears have been roaming our alpine regions – an unfamiliar challenge that has caused some uncertainty. Emotions on this topic are understandable, which is why it is recommended to take an objective look at the facts to remain safe and composed.

Wolves and bears are considered shy animals that generally avoid contact with humans. Sightings and, more importantly, evidence such as tracks, confirm their return to the Alpine region. To ensure you can enjoy your stay in the mountains of Vorarlberg with peace of mind, here is a summary of the most important information on this topic.

How Should I Behave if I Encounter a Bear?

  • Stay calm and make yourself known by speaking calmly and making slow hand movements.
  • Retreat slowly; do not run.
  • Avoid provoking the bear by not throwing objects at it or engaging in any behavior the bear might perceive as threatening.
  • Do not approach the bear, even to take a photo.
  • If the bear comes closer, place an object (such as a jacket or backpack) on the ground to distract it and slowly move away.
  • Ensure the bear has a clear path to escape.

What Preventive Measures Can I Take?

  • Stay on marked trails.
  • Avoid moving silently through the forest; instead, make your presence known by speaking or making gentle noise, like a bell on your backpack.
  • Stay away from thick bushes and isolated mushroom-picking spots.
  • Do not leave any food scraps behind.
  • Keep your dog on a leash as dogs tend to track scents and follow them. If a dog encounters a bear, it might return to you for protection, potentially leading the bear to you.

How Should I Behave if I Encounter a Wolf?

  • Stay calm and make yourself known in a calm manner by speaking and making slow hand movements.
  • Gradually increase the distance between you and the wolf.
  • Do not approach the wolf, even to take a photo.
  • Never attempt to feed a wolf.
  • If the wolf follows you unexpectedly: make yourself appear larger, shout loudly in its direction, and if necessary, throw an object (stick, stone) at it.

What Preventive Measures Can I Take?

  • Stay on marked trails.
  • Avoid remote, undeveloped wildlife habitats.
  • Keep your dog under control or on a leash.


In the event of a sighting or finding tracks, please contact the following office:

Department of Agriculture and Rural Areas – Wolf Management (also for bears)
DI Hubert Schatz, Tel. +43 (0)664/6255311, Mail: